Saturday, February 24, 2007

Carol & Bernie

We are still enjoying the warm weather and waters of Miami Beach. We did have a brief cold snap last weekend, got all the way down to 50 degrees one night, Brrr. Alan & Patti Sutton came to visit the week before the Superbowl and we all had a great time. We joined Alan in the search for an outragiously expensive Mojito, in doing so we toured most of South Beach with a side trip to Coconut Grove. We are looking forward to the day we can cruise with them again. The night of the Superbowl it poured so much we collected 50 gallons of water in our fresh water tank. We stayed nice and dry and enjoyed the game on TV. The cruising kitty got a good infusion over the past two weeks as Bernie worked the Miami International Boat Show for West Marine. The longest week was 84 hours! Had a lot of fun despite the long hours. If the weather is good we will leave here next week and journey towards the Keyes and a visit with Linda Hathaway if she's home. Carol & Bernie


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